Back in the black

It has been a long time since I have made an entry. I have been mostly doing a desk job the past year, managing the faction, members and giving out orders. Which meant that whenever I stepped into my ship I would be going to one of our control systems to lay out plans and stop hostilities towards us. And there were a lot of hostilities. We had a conflict going on in one of our systems almost all the time and resolving conflicts takes a lot of effort, more so with the dwindling number of Knights.
To be honest this has taken the life out of me. It's not that I didn't like diplomacy, I do like it a lot still, but managing a faction meant that I could never leave the bubble. But the past couple of months has been fantastic for our faction. We have hardly lost ground. We had a single war that we won comfortably and I am at last feeling a bit relaxed. This made me realise that this is a good time for a change of pace for me. A good time to go back to my roots.
I joined the Pilot's Federation because I wanted to explore the galaxy. I had always been keen on exploring and that's how I started out as a Commander. Thus, I started to prep my Anaconda when I realised that this would be a good point to start doing a few things I intentionally never did. I have been a CMDR for a long time now and I kid you not, but I have never bought an SLF, let alone hire a crew member. So, I decided it was time to break this and purchased a Taipan for myself. I also hired Jadelyn Lowery, a Novice Pilot, to fly the Taipan as and when required. And with the preparations done, I plotted a course towards the Witch Head Nebula.

I am going to take this slow. I am going to map all systems on my route and hopefully I will come across something unique while I fill up my codex.